Chris dhaenens

Momenteel bevinden zich 213 spreuken
van Chris-dhaenens in de database.
Als Gods geduld oneindig is, dan moet het nu ongeveer op zijn.
Als Gods geduld oneindig is, dan moet het nu ongeveer op zijn.
[For the first few days on campus, the Leaks lived together in Chris' apartment. But after so many years of sharing a bedroom while growing up, that got old pretty quick.] Chris said to me, 'When is C.J. going to get an apartment, Dad?' ... They love each other, but they have to have their space.
The other employees love Chris. They take care of him, and they make sure he's doing OK.
Chris' career was outstanding here at the University of Maryland. He has contributed a great deal to our success the last 31/2 years. I'm fully confident Chris will be successful in life.