Donna kane

Momenteel bevinden zich 45 spreuken
van Donna-kane in de database.
Women will reward companies that provide them with unbiased information, do not try to make the 'hard sell' and make their lives less complicated. Since car-buying information was readily available, Hyundai became the car company that put it together in a cohesive manner and simply cut to the chase and provided what the consumer really needed to know.
Men are reticent to take dance lessons because that's not where their heads are at. They come to it after they turn 40.
That 2-3 hurt us. We weren't very patient. That was a good move on [Lewis'] part, because we love to run.
American journalists were the perfect foils. [Many newsmen] were shocked by them, ... a menace to society.
The two programs are critical to keep the new nuclear plant momentum up and to support mathematics and science education to ensure a highly-trained work force to support our future.