Doug herzog

Momenteel bevinden zich 78 spreuken
van Doug-herzog in de database.
In today's world, we know there are all kinds of dads and families. Spike dads are men of action, and nothing is more important than an active dad in a son or daughter's life. Our new program will deploy resources to showcase and embrace the incredible responsibility and benefits of active dads, of all kinds, in our society.
Doug not only has a Plan A; he has a Plan B and C. We'd all love to keep Carlos, but if it doesn't pan out for any reason, Doug can go to Plan B or C. We're committed to having a competitive team here.
I love my movies as they are. I let them develop their own lives.
I do not bring forgiveness with me, nor forgetfulness. The only ones who can forgive are dead; the living have no right to forget.
Only 30 minutes from where I live, there is a completely hidden and forgotten archive. Nobody even knows that this exists here.