Peter brown

Momenteel bevinden zich 486 spreuken
van Peter-brown in de database.
As women increasingly join and continue to advance through the management ranks, making major contributions to their companies and the North American auto industry, it's important to applaud their talents. We're pleased to shine the spotlight on this impressive group of executives.
I think we were all taken aback by the impact that Peter's illness and death had on the broader organization. As much as we knew Peter was stitched into the fabric of ABC News, I don't think we understood the extent of it.
We took a gamble on Johnson and he dogged it. We risked a lot of money to do it, and he didn't come through. But now Sam Peter is in that situation, too. We've got a lot of other good, young fighters. But Sam Peter is our franchise fighter, a guy who can really turn our company around, and this is the single most important fight we've had since Johnson-Ruiz.
It took about a year to get all the men together.
It tickles me to death.