Raoul follereau

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van Raoul-follereau in de database.
Het enige geluk dat men werkelijk het zijne mag noemen is het geluk dat men aan anderen heeft geschonken.
In an industrial society which confuses work and productivity, the necessity of producing has always been an enemy of the desire to create.
Controlled mediations separate individuals from themselves, their desires, their dreams, and their will to live; and so people come to believe in the legend that you can't do without them, or the power that governs them.
Where Power fails to paralyze with constraints, it paralyses by suggestion, by forcing everyone to use crutches of which it is the sole owner and purveyor.
In the twentieth century, death terrifies men less than the absence of real life. All these dead, mechanized, specialized actions, stealing a little bit of life a thousand times a day until the mind and body are exhausted. . .