Spreuken over Droom

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met het onderwerp Droom in de database.
This is really beyond a field of dreams. It's a field of life.
If you appreciate, perpetuate and explore your own dreams, then you'll know that dream isn't a one-way communication.
If you don't follow your dreams, there will come a day where you will look back, and you will have regrets, and I don't want that. If it does happen, either way, I will not have any regrets. I'm already performing and writing music. I've followed my dreams.
I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming.
Hopefully, 'An American Dream' can, in some small way, let our military personnel know that they are appreciated and always in our prayers. Any way that we can show our military that we support their efforts is not only a good idea, but I feel it is our duty as Americans.