Spreuken over Droom

Momenteel bevinden zich 981 spreuken
met het onderwerp Droom in de database.
Sometimes in life you get dealt a horrible hand and worse flop; its up to you, and how you play the turn and river, to whether or not you stay in the game.
You can still dream at 47.
To be in the Masters is a dream come true. It's not something I'd given up on, but it's something I'd moved to the back of my mind. There are a lot of perks that come with having a spectacular year, but none bigger than getting to play in the Masters.
I wish I could live in the dream that I fly on tarred & feathered wings.
I always thought if I was lucky enough to achieve the dreams I had in the movie business ... and to be economically secure, that I wanted to give back. I wanted to have a third chapter that was about giving back and about the things I cared about, and also I wanted to have fun.