Spreuken over Droom

Momenteel bevinden zich 981 spreuken
met het onderwerp Droom in de database.
What's really clear is that we have extensive dreams. We're not going to end up with everything.
Those that seek the American dream must follow American laws, ... I applaud the president for addressing this difficult and complex issue but have heartfelt reservations about allowing illegal immigrants into a U.S. guest worker program that seems to reward illegal behavior.
El dinero no puede comprar lo que el amor y la amistad pueden darnos.
We had realized the American dream and were living a very expensive lifestyle, the type of lifestyle where it is difficult to turn off the spigot.
I watched the 'Dream Team' and I can remember as far back as when (Drazen) Petrovic played (in 1988), so to be an Olympian feels like I achieved a life-long accomplishment.