Spreuken over Droom

Momenteel bevinden zich 981 spreuken
met het onderwerp Droom in de database.
Believe in yourself. If you dont, then no one else will have a reason to.
This whole show is about people's dreams, making them come true. The whole basis of it is, nobody dreams of pulling a rabbit out of a hat. Nobody dreams of vanishing the Statue of Liberty unless they're me, but . . . I'll do a whole piece about having your perfect dream car, making cars appear and motorcycles appear ? people dream about that. People dream about traveling, so I'll vanish somebody in the audience and make them appear on the beach in Hawaii during the show, with proof, with signatures, with Polaroid pictures, so they know it's happening in real time.
This is what dreams are made of. It has been too long.
Talk about it only enough to do it. Dream about it only enough to feel it. Think about it only enough to understand it. Contemplate it only enough to be it.
The football part is almost secondary. It's more about a family man who decided to follow his dreams after serving his country. There's so much drive in him.