Spreuken over Droom

Momenteel bevinden zich 981 spreuken
met het onderwerp Droom in de database.
It's a perfect start to the championship. Eight points is what I dreamed of before Bahrain. We'll be good everywhere.
It was a great experience and it was the first big thing I'd won since juniors. But I dream of winning the Stanley Cup in Ottawa. And that's what I was thinking. It was nice to win at home, but it wasn't the one I want.
It was my dream when I was (four-years-old). I'm so happy with my scores. I did my job. It's not the best what I did today, but it was quite enough. I didn't have a lot of emotion. My fans know how emotional I can be.
Who always only dreams of luck shouldnt be surprised if he oversleeps it.
I'm really happy, this is the dream I had.