Spreuken over Droom

Momenteel bevinden zich 981 spreuken
met het onderwerp Droom in de database.
Understand the past, dream of the future, enjoy today.
Have positive and great thoughts before you sleep, and you wake up with this uncontrollable positive force.
Today is a beautiful day in the chain of life, tomorrow there may be a new song on the radio, a new programme on the telly, a new scent, a new taste, a new sight, or new person may come into your life. Today is tomorrows dream, it shall soon become a memory. So embrace todays every hour....
We're always into that. It breaks down the wall between the band and the audience. It's a dream come true for the people who get onstage, but also for the people who watch it because they're seeing somebody who is one of their own. Sometimes it turns out great, sometimes it's a complete disaster. But even when it sounds bad, it's sometimes even better because there's a certain charm to it.
The dream he needed most was the dream that frightened him more.