Spreuken over Droom

Momenteel bevinden zich 981 spreuken
met het onderwerp Droom in de database.
Lift up your eyes upon. This day breaking for you. Give birth again. To the dream.
There are people who put their dreams in a little box and say, "Yes, I've got dreams, of course I've got dreams." Then they put the box away and bring it out once in awhile to look in it, and yep, they're still there.
You cannot be wimpy out there on the dream-seeking trail. Dare to break through barriers, to find your own path.
Everyday was an adventure on the set of California Dreams. You never know what the guys will be up to next. Usually it's something stupid!
Cold and sticky, like I always dreamed it would be. I'm just happy for the guys. I knew we were going to have to work hard, based on how new I am and all the new faces we have. I knew it was going to take some time. But I just didn't think it would take five games.