Spreuken over Droom

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met het onderwerp Droom in de database.
It has always been a massive dream to win gold like this. It is so bizarre to think I have one more than my mother.
They are looking for canceled checks, receipts - anything to show that this was not just something you dreamed up.
My life has been a continuous fulfillment of dreams. It appears that everything I saw and did has a new, and perhaps, more significant meaning, every time I see it. The earth is good. It is a privilege to live thereon.
I have to tell you that I was kind of in a dream state that whole morning, ... I couldn't quite grasp that I was actually going to meet - good or bad, whether you like him or not - the leader of the free world. It's like your wedding day. You kind of glaze through it.
This a dream come true,