Spreuken over Droom

Momenteel bevinden zich 981 spreuken
met het onderwerp Droom in de database.
He thought the sun rose and set on his children. He had great dreams for the three of them. He would be proud of you today.
Maybe it's a dream, I don't know.
Makes you feel like Elwood out of the movies. Just a dream come true to be able to have this thing, and be able to drive it around and watch people enjoy it.
Having a force in the post like Galvin is every coach's dream. It makes defenses double up on him, which always leaves someone open. We've, so far, been able to capitalize on that very misfortune for our opposition; it's been key to our success.
Don't leap until you know exactly what you can afford and how you'll afford it. Stretch, but don't dream impossible dreams.