Spreuken over Droom

Momenteel bevinden zich 981 spreuken
met het onderwerp Droom in de database.
Nobody ever dreamed we would grow into that $2 cap.
This is amazing. It's what we've all dreamed of and worked for.
Our kids, our families are no different than anybody else's. They have the same hopes and dreams. They have people who love them.
I went into the marriage with the best intentions, hopes and dreams, ... I feel that I've really disappointed people. I've disappointed everyone who came to my wedding. I'm disappointed in myself. I don't know exactly what happened and when things started to go wrong.
Playing in the NBA has always been a dream for me since I was a little kid. Right now, I have the opportunity to test the waters to see where I stand. If I'm comfortable with where I feel I'll be drafted, I'll stay in the draft. If not, I'll be back.