Spreuken over Familie
Momenteel bevinden zich 2119 spreuken
met het onderwerp Familie in de database.
met het onderwerp Familie in de database.
Your time on Earth is only a lease; if you neglect the property, youll get evicted before your lease is up.
Auteur: Scottie SomersDeel op facebook
Accept that you wont satisfy everyone. Someone is bound to be dejected about the change you make to focus on your goal. Theyll get over it. Stop feeling guilty and stay true to your goals. Surround yourself with friends, family, peers who support your vision. Discard all discouraging messages. This is your engagement, not anyone elses. Engage in whats right, not whats easy
Auteur: Lily ChatterjeeDeel op facebook
La devocin a un principio superior a ti mismo; eso es amor.
Auteur: Scottie SomersDeel op facebook
Todos nos encontramos con la derrota muchas veces, pero nunca debemos ser derrotados.
Auteur: Scottie SomersDeel op facebook
There's a lot of pride and a lot of passion put into a family business that has survived as long as ours. This is a labor of love.
Auteur: Lee SchwebelDeel op facebook
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