Spreuken over Familie
Momenteel bevinden zich 2119 spreuken
met het onderwerp Familie in de database.
met het onderwerp Familie in de database.
I'm just happy because this is such a great situation for me and my family, ... I know a good fit when I see one and from the time I arrived here in Washington, the organization has made me and my family feel so welcome. I'm excited about knowing that my future will be with this team.
Auteur: Caron ButlerDeel op facebook
Richard Wallace was the first member of the family to behave in an altruistic manner. The first to take the responsibility associated with his wealth seriously.
Auteur: Stephen DuffyDeel op facebook
I don't think it's a financial decision in the end. It's come down to a lifestyle/family decision, so while I'm disappointed with that you've got to respect it.
Auteur: Steve NoyceDeel op facebook
The president and his family want some time together. They're going to unwind,
Auteur: Mike McCurryDeel op facebook
I'm going home and hugging my family, ... I'm probably going to melt down.
Auteur: Greg BeratlisDeel op facebook
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