Spreuken over Familie

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met het onderwerp Familie in de database.
I say take everything you can to keep you and your family alive, because it took the government five long days to bring fresh food and water. ... I say shoot every cop, national guard and politician who stands in your way, INCLUDING GEORGE W. BUSH if need be,
We're a strong-knit family. We do everything together.
Jiang returned home for a meal with his family, with whom he will be staying.
We want to ... begin to solve the Social Security problem for three generations and also help American families today to get some of their money back, and that's precisely what our plan will do, and I think the American people will embrace it.
We feel very sorry for the family. It's a tragic circumstance. People should know that trespassing on a railroad [track] can have fatal consequences, as this incident so tragically points out.