Spreuken over Kracht

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met het onderwerp Kracht in de database.
The world is full of tradeoffs, and sometimes 'renewable power' activists fail to recognize that. Solar energy collectors must displace a tremendous amount of natural landscape to produce any significant amount of energy. And anything less requires a great deal of financial expenditures for very little and very inconsistent power.
The new power station uses environmentally friendly technology of pulverized coal firing. It increases efficiency by 4% to approximately 46%, a peak figure for coal-fired power stations, simultaneously reducing CO2 emissions by approximately 20%.
We are surprised and disappointed that Scottish Power has chosen to react to our proposal this way.
Rowing is a power and finesse sport. These girls have really been putting the hammer down on rowing machines. I'm looking for them to not only push their teammates but also be one of the main driving forces in the boat.
First-class universities increasingly reflect a nation's overall power.