Spreuken over Liefde

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met het onderwerp Liefde in de database.
If you hate ThOusand Ppl And If Thousand ppl hate You! Who iS luCky? ThouSand ppl U hate or urSelf being hated By ThouSaNd??
Sometimes the love you'll feel after you've been hurt is stronger than ever.
I think that Green Bay actually - and I don't like this because you love Brett Favre - I think they almost are leading him toward retirement. You took away two of his anchors on the offensive line, two of the great offensive guards in this league. So he's going to get the kind of pressure that we haven't seen him get in the past. He's going to be in games where defensively you know he is going to be in shootouts where he has to throw rather than when he wants to throw. He's going to be throwing all the time.
There was always a love-hate relationship with New York in the rest of the country, but I made them feel more love than hate.
Dante, who loved well because he hated, / Hated wickedness that hinders loving.