Spreuken over Wetenschap
Momenteel bevinden zich 503 spreuken
met het onderwerp Wetenschap in de database.
met het onderwerp Wetenschap in de database.
The primary tool of science is skepticism, whose light shrivels unquestioning faith
Auteur: Mike HubenDeel op facebook
Thus the yeoman work in any science, and especially physics, is done by the experimentalist, who must keep the theoreticians honest.
Auteur: Michio KakuDeel op facebook
I returned to poetry as a more precise way to describe the world --- more precise than science.
Auteur: David WhyteDeel op facebook
It's something that's going to take time to adjust to. But it's a big improvement for science.
Auteur: Cathy ColeDeel op facebook
Psychology is the science of human behavior and the things that happen in the mind to create it. It's a subject that fascinates almost everyone because we all have notions of what's normal and what's not.
Auteur: David WatsonDeel op facebook
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