Spreuken over Wetenschap
Momenteel bevinden zich 503 spreuken
met het onderwerp Wetenschap in de database.
met het onderwerp Wetenschap in de database.
This material does look very primitive. This is material we can work with. We can harvest science from this.
Auteur: John BradleyDeel op facebook
I'm terribly excited. We're all jumping up and down. I'm pleased that NASA hasn't given up on science altogether.
Auteur: Lucy McFaddenDeel op facebook
We are committed to opening Yucca Mountain based only on sound science. The work that we do must be without question or qualification, and this report confirms that we are on the right path forward.
Auteur: Paul GolanDeel op facebook
In science we're called on to believe in these things based on circumstantial evidence and a whole lot of faith.
Auteur: Michael GuillenDeel op facebook
Despite the fact that the science is consistent, our quality assurance requirements were not met, which is a requirement for submitting a license application to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. We find it best to just replace this work.
Auteur: Paul GolanDeel op facebook
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